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If you are still having issues, you can call in your order Toll Free at 877-822-3318 (if outside the US, use 407-574-5327).

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Shipping Options and Delivery Time depends on item(s) ordered - Average time is 5-7 Business Days. Click the product name above to return to the product page to review shipping details for that item. Make note of the "Average Delivery" below Add to Cart button. Note that Free Shipping is the same as US Standard Shipping. Multiple Items may ship from separate warehouses and may ship separately. If you require items by a certain date, you will be able to enter it during checkout - we will try our best to meet your deadline.

We are aware of an issue some Apple users (ipad and iphone) might have checking out. If you experience this or if you prefer, you can also call in your order US Toll Free at 877-822-3318 or 407-574-5327 - Please have product codes ready.

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